Metalworker Diane from Northumberland and signwriter Sam from London are clocking into Dom's bootcamp, hoping to build life-changing businesses. Diane, a mum of two, was an international businesswoman when she discovered a love for metal sculpting. Now it's all or nothing as she's determined to turn that passion into a full-time job, so she can be around more for her two girls. Mentor Ian Gill thinks she needs to improve the finish of her pieces to succeed and live out the dream of swapping a business suit for a welding jacket. After being diagnosed with a rare spinal condition, the stakes couldn't be higher for plumbing and heating engineer Sam, who needs to find a new, less physical job. A self-confessed signwriting obsessive, he's determined to turn it into a new career, but mentor Joby Carter thinks he's got a job on to improve the quality of his work. Will Sam be able to find the time to knuckle down and make the improvements needed to build the business that would transform his life?